
Support the iviCivi Project

Your financial gift will be managed by the ICI Trustees, who will fund the iviCivi fellows, computer infrastructure, office space, overhead expenses, and on-going work.

Whereas the International Civilitics Institute (ICI) is an unincorporated association, gifts to the iviCivi Project will be held in the care of the ICI Trustees, who are responsible for ensuring the overall success of the project.

As an unincorporated association, the ICI is not eligible to register as a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, so gifts are not tax deductible and contributions greater than $12,000 may be subject to gift taxes. If you would like to make a large donation, please contact the ICI directly to discuss special considerations.

The estimated budget for the iviCivi Project is $4.1m over three years.

The first milestone ($5k) will be used to help offset some of the out-of-pocket expenses already covered by ICI Trustees as well as website costs.

The second milestone ($212k) will be used to prepare materials for the fellowship program, provide support to application reviewers, secure office space, and cover projected utilities for the duration of the fellowship program.

The third milestone ($244k) will provide computer infrastructure and other office equipment, travel arrangements for fellows during their tenure with the project, and help cover costs associated with regional meetings and outreach to supporters.

The fourth milestone ($3.3m) will provide a reserve of funds from which to gift fellows for their contributions and development work. This is similar to the amount that would normally be paid in compensation to 25 employees with commensurate expertise in a traditional enterprise.

The fifth milestone of ($282k) will fund the transition of the iviCivi Project for ongoing operations.

iviCivi first milestone

$403.00 of $5,000.00 raised

(edit amount, then donate)

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Donation Total: $25.00

Payment options include: Paypal, debit/credit card (via Paypal), and mail-in pledge.