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The iviCivi Project

If giving back to the world is important to you, iviCivi will help you do more things that matter and fewer things that don’t.

social media icons with ivicivi and cursorThe IviCivi Project will create an app to reward people who are doing good things. The app will coordinate people to reward others who are making positive differences. In other words, a network that gives support to others who are giving back to the world.

Formally, this sort of activity occurs when people contribute money to charities who, in turn, undertake beneficial activities in the world. But iviCivi doesn’t need to involve money, and it can happen at a much smaller and more personal scale.

Informally, you might give someone a place to stay or a free meal while they are volunteering their time to support some activity you find valuable. Unfortunately, the information needed to activate these sorts of informal relationships is scattered, disorganized, and often unavailable. And we can’t all be charities.

gold medalTo fill this void, iviCivi will empower a network of supporters to share information about the many small contributions made by people in their daily lives. So when you make a positive difference in the world, iviCivi will let you report that action to the network where others can support you, either directly or indirectly through their own actions.

If, for example, a group of your friends volunteered to clean up an old building and convert it into a community space, iviCivi would allow them to earn ivi for their efforts. Unlike money, ivi is never exchanged, so it acts like a reputation for doing good things (this is a key advantage of iviCivi over money – it avoids the corrupting influence of exchange). So, by earning a higher ivi, others will be more willing to provide direct support for you and your activities. In the end, iviCivi is something like crowdsupporting for small projects and activities.

fellow pushing large rockOn the other hand, as someone providing rewards to others, iviCivi is a little like giving it forward, but with better information. After all, when you volunteer or give something away, wouldn’t you prefer to support those who are doing the greatest good? With iviCivi, you’ll be able to know the difference.

If you already volunteer and/or donate, then iviCivi will help you get concrete appreciation for your efforts. If you are working in an unsatisfying job, then iviCivi would help you find reward in other more positive activities. If you want to pursue some great personal ambition but can’t get funding, then iviCivi could definitely help you bring those plans to life. The possibilities are endless.

Our goal is to make the app as easy to use as money, especially for the things that money doesn’t handle, like volunteering and giving. We don’t expect you to use the iviCivi App in place of money, but we like to imagine a world where you could. Once there are enough gifts flowing through the system, maybe that’s all a person would need.

team working on iviciviImagine living in a world where every good deed was rewarded and work was about making a difference instead of making money. That’s our vision; that’s why the world needs iviCivi, and that’s why we need your help.

You can find more detailed answers to many of your questions in the menu links, but this is the bottom line:

Because we’re building a gifting system, it is important that we support the project only with gifts. It must always be free, available to everyone, never be commercialized, and never sold.

Our small staff at the International Civilitics Institute has already donated thousands of hours to this project, but success will require a large team of people about two years to complete, so we are recruiting experts with the needed skills through a fellowship program. We will be asking the fellows to give their full time and energy to the project and we need your supporting gifts to meet their needs while they do that important work. So please…

  • Donate below to help support the IviCivi Project and the fellows who will be creating app and framework. It may seem contradictory, but a gift of money is still a gift.
  • Start building your own ivi reputation by announcing your gift contribution to those you know who desire a world where actions speak louder than money. The more people who contribute, the less support we will need from each.
  • Apply for yourself, or help us find qualified fellows to work on the IviCivi Project. This is an excellent opportunity for divergent thinkers and/or college graduates to make a huge difference in the world.
  • If you have the expertise to help us promote and refine this message, we welcome your contribution.

Your donation will be managed by the ICI Trustees, who will ensure the overall success of the project.

iviCivi first milestone

$403.00 of $5,000.00 raised

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Donation Total: $25.00

Payment options include: Paypal, debit/credit card (via Paypal), and mail-in pledge.